MTC Mobile Cloud Testing
The Ticomsoft MTC Mobile Testing Cloud solution redefines your mobile experience and ensures you create refined apps for users. With MTC Cloud solution, you can test all aspects of mobile user experience from functionality through performance to context. All your testing efforts will be centralized in one location without the needs of purchasing mobile devices for each testing, development and monitoring team. We also integrate the Mobile Center as an automatic testing tool.

Ticomsoft experts provide you professional mobile testing services to help reduce cost, manage complexity, maintain leading-edge skills and adopt technology innovation.
Ticomsoft offers highly expirienced developers and engineers to fit customers needs in a large scale of software expertise.
Ticomsoft solutions empowers your business through a diversity of fields including monitoring & testing tools, HP operations tools and SAAS.
We sale high quality solutions that are used and adapted by hundreds of customers
Ticomsoft solutions empowers your business through a diversity of fields including monitoring & testing tools, HP operations tools and SAAS.
Ticomsoft experts provide you professional IT services to help reduce cost, manage complexity, maintain leading-edge skills and adopt technology innovation.
Ticomsoft offers highly expirienced developers and engineers to fit customers needs in a large scale of software expertise.
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